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Request a Membership Change
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Add 24 Hour Access

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Add Family Member - does not include 24 hr access (10-16 years must remain with parent) -

Select an option

Add Kids Zone (8 weeks to 10 years)

Select an option

Remove - status must be OPEN END to remove any of the following *takes effect in 31 days 

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Select an option

My digital signature above serves as my consent for these requested changes.


By submitting this form I agree:

My intent by offering my e-signature above and by clicking to accept the agreement.

I opt out of signing in person by submitting this form.

I have read and i understand my choices above. My SOF (signature on file) will be applied to my agreement.

I agree to the terms and conditions of the current member agreement (a copy is available for review and it will be emailed to me if I am renewing my agreement). I have read my choices above and understand that these changes will remain in effect for all future payments. Payments will be drafted using my ACH bank information above or a $5 credit card convenience fee will be added to my monthly payment.

Thanks for submitting!

CALL 254-547-4443
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1013 W HWY 190, COPPERAS COVE, TX 76522
STAFFED HOURS GYM: MON-FRI 5:00AM - 9:00PM / SAT 8:00AM - 5:00PM / SUN 12:00PM - 5:00PM
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